In 2025, the Dogs SA Winter International will conduct four All Breeds Championship Shows and a Grooming Show, over the five days of the event, with each Show having unique requirements and outcomes. To assist entrants, especially if you are entering the weekend for the first time, we have prepared the following information which hopefully will make entering and understanding each show easy. This information is also available in the Dogs SA Journal along with Schedules for all the Shows.

A.N.K.C. / F.C.I. C.A.C.I.B. SHOWS

Under the ANKC / FCI Agreement of 2017, C.A.C.I.B. Shows in Australia are slightly different to overseas. Therefore you need to be familiar with the rules for the conduct of a C.A.C.I.B. Show in Australia.


If your exhibit is under 3 years of age, you may enter either the age eligible class (3/3A, 4/4A, 5/5A) or the Champion Class. If your exhibit is 3 years or over and a Champion, then you must enter the Champion Class (21/21A). If your exhibit is 3 years or over and NOT a Champion, then you must enter the Open Class (11/11A). If your exhibit is 15 months or older and a non Champion, you may also enter the Open Class (11/11A) or the age eligible class (4/4A, 5/5A).


Only the following Classes are eligible for the C.A.C.I.B. :

Class 5 Intermediate For Dogs aged eighteen and under thirty-six monthe (Compulsory)
Class 11 Open For Dogs 15 months and over that are not Champions (Compulsary)
Class 21 Champion To enter a dog in the Champion Class, the title must have been confirmed by the issue of the Registered Pedigree Certificate with the title added by the day of the official closing date of entries (Compulsory)

Note: These amendments will be effective 1 April 2024.


The order of judging is similar to a normal show with the only difference being the grading of dogs by the Judge. All the class winners return to the ring and the CC is awarded. This is when the C.A.C.I.B. may also be awarded. The C.A.C.I.B. award goes no further than dog and bitch. Judging for Best of Breed and beyond is the same as a normal show.

For a detailed explanation of the order of judging, please refer to A.N.K.C. Regulations PART 5 SHOW Section 6. A summary of the procedure and Breed allocations can be downloaded below.


For pedigree dogs of breeds recognised on a definitive basis by the FCI according to the FCI Breeds Nomenclature, registered in a studbook recognised by the FCI.

Requirements: In A2O, one single country is enough, but 3 International “Junior” certificates (i.e. three “1st” EXCELLENT” in Junior class) awarded at FCI International CACIB Shows. 3 different judges and 3 different nationalities are required.


For pedigree dogs of breeds recognised on a definitive basis by the FCI according to the FCI Breeds Nomenclature, registered in a studbook recognised by the FCI.

Requirements: In A2O, one single country is enough, but 3 International “Veteran” certificates (i.e. three “1st” EXCELLENT” in Junior class) awarded at FCI International CACIB Shows. 3 different judges and 3 different nationalities are required.


The Dogs SA Winter International  Championship Show on Sunday 4th June 2023 is approved as an official FCI A20 Show and is eligible to award A20 CAC’s. (Challenge Certificates) Many FCI countries around the world award ‘Regional Titles’, for example in the FCI Americas Section there are regional titles such as Pan American Champion and Latin America Champion. The regional Australian FCI title is the Asia, Africa & Oceania Champion, in the short form FCI A20 Champion (FCI A20 Ch.), which came into effect 17th June 2019.


The A20CS CAC’s are awarded to the Best Dog & Best Bitch OR Dog CAC & Bitch CAC at a Championship Show. The Show does not have to be a CACIB/International Show and the awarding of the A20CS CAC’s follow the ANKC Rules with the regards to the awarding of the Best Dog & Best Bitch OR Dog CAC & Bitch CAC.

For a detailed explanation on the requirements to attain Asia, Africa and Oceania Titles in Australia, please download the attachment below.


Each State in Australia has a nominated Show which is a “Cruft’s Qualifying Show for overseas entrants. In South Australia, the nominated Show is the Saturday Show during the Dogs SA Winter International weekend.

To gain the qualification you must be awarded either the Dog Challenge Certificate or the Bitch Challenge Certificate or be awarded 1st place in either the Junior Dog Class or the Junior Bitch Class. Qualifying certificates, in pdf format, will be emailed on request, following the show.

Please refer to the Cruft’s website for full details for overseas entrants,

FCI CACIB Info to Exhibitors 2024
A20 Info to Exhibitors 2024

WEDNESDAY 28th May 2025 – Winter International Grooming Show – Judging commences at 08:00am

THURSDAY 29th May 2025 – Winter International All Breeds Championship Show – Judging commences at 09:00am

SPECIALITIES: Hound Club Championship Show.

FRIDAY 30th May 2025 – Winter International All Breeds CACIB Championship Show – Judging commences at 09:00am

SPECIALITIES: Australian Terrier Club, Jack Russell Terrier Club Championship Shows.

SATURDAY 31st May 2025 – Winter International All Breeds Championship Show (Crufts Qualifier) – Judging commences at 09:00am

SPECIALTIES: Papillon Club, Chihuahua Club, Terrier Club, Labrador Retriever Club, Pointer Club, Dobermann Club, Newfoundland Club Championship Shows.

SUNDAY 1st June 2025 – Winter International All Breeds A2O Championship Show – Judging commences at 09:00am

SPECIALTIES: Pug Club, Tenterfield Terrier Club, Shetland Sheepdog Club, Collie Club, Weimaraner Club, Cocker Spaniel Club Championship Shows; Golden Retriever Feature Breed.

David Roche Park